Marked 2 2 5 9

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Jesus could have spent his entire life-time healing all that were physically sick or maimed . demon possessed or leprous. He could have fed the multitudes daily with bread and fish. or with manna and quail, until physical illness was eradicated and bodily hunger was satisfied.

But Jesus had come for a greater purpose than simply to supply man's many physical needs. Jesus had come to turn men from sin and unbelief back to trust and dependance upon the Lord their God.

He had been sent to feed the multitudes with spiritual food and to give them spiritual light and eternal life. He had come to save guilty sinners from their sins and to give them a measure of faith, a blessed hope and a love that passes human understanding. Horcrux email backup 2 9 3. He had come to provide all that they need for life and godliness - and to bestow it upon them in great abundance.

Marked 2 2 5 90 Degree

Mark 2:5-9 New International Version (NIV). 5 When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, 'Son, your sins are forgiven.' 6 Now some teachers of the law were sitting there, thinking to themselves, 7 'Why does this fellow talk like that? This selection will show how to compare two numbers using a number line. This will allow you to tell if a number is larger or smaller than another number, using a number line.

Marked 2 2 5 90

Jesus had come to call Israel to repentance and to raise the spiritually dead race of humanity, from their trespasses and sin. He has been sent from His Father in heaven to offer mankind a gift of salvation - by grace through faith in Him - so that whosoever would believe on His name, might be saved by grace.

Marked 2 2 5 95

Marked 2 2 5 9

When Jesus looked at this paralysed man, He knew that sin was the critical issue in his life. Indeed forgiveness of sins is the crucial matter for all people - and so Jesus said to the man: son, your sins are forgiven you. Sin in the life of all men is like a creeping paralysis. while the forgiveness of God is akin to having health restored and life revitalised.

The faith of the four men who brought their friend to Jesus for physical healing, must have blessed the Lord, and He responded to their need. But they too, had to learn a deeper spiritual lesson - that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins, to those who believe on His name - a lesson that has eternal consequences.

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